Massage Doctor On Call
The Cost of Stress

The Tangible Cost of Work Related Stress

Every worker today is confronted with many divergent sources of stress from global financial concerns to having the resources and time to care for their families. All of these concerns compound upon the urgencies and emergencies of the workplace. It all takes its toll on your employees in the form of direct medical costs, absenteeism, presenteeism and a general malaise in terms of job satisfaction. Here are some statistics to consider:

Medical Costs

Dr. Herbert Benson of the Harvard Medical School states, "between 60 and 90 percent of complaints brought to a doctor's office are due to stress." Just three stress related disorders: chronic pain, headaches, and hypertension account for more than half of lost wages due to absenteeism.
According to recent research, stress is impacting your bottom line in a big way. Stress accounts for $26 billion in medical and disability payments and $95 billion in lost productivity per year.
According to Statistics Canada, an estimated $12 billion is lost to workplace absenteeism each year in Canada alone.
According to a 2001 study, the cost to the employer for stress-related absenteeism is estimated to be about $950 per employee each year.
Not only is there the direct loss of wages, but there are incredible spill over expenses, including overtime, scheduling, re-training, lost productivity, diminished moral, turnover, and opportunity cost. These indirect costs are estimated to be about 35% above and beyond the direct cost of absenteeism.
Absenteeism takes a heftier toll on knowledge-based industries where positions require more teamwork and interdependence, thus causing a severe ripple effect.
“Presenteeism" describes the feeling that you must show up for work even if you are too sick, stressed, or distracted to be productive.
There has been significant research, since the term was coined over a decade ago, to show that costs to your company attributed to productivity issues are HUGE. Presenteeism accounts for 61% of an employees total lost productivity and costs employers an estimated $2000 per year per employee.
Employees working at diminished capacity cost North American employers nearly $250 Billion per year.
The US National Commission on Productivity has found that only two out of every ten of your employees are working at their full potential.
Job Satisfaction
In a recent national survey, 70% of workers polled rated their job as "very stressful".
Nearly half said they needed help in learning how to manage their stress
More than 50% of the respondents cited the pace of work as the most common workplace health problem
The Good News from Massage Doctor On Call™
A Harvard University research study reports that companies such as American Express, Apple Computer, Boeing, Reebok, MasterCard, Merrill Lynch and Sony Music experienced decreases in absenteeism by as much as 1.4 days per month per employee after instituting a regular massage program.
By providing regular massage therapy to their employees, the Calvert Group, an investing firm in Bethesda, MD reduced their employee turnover rate to 5% in an industry where the norm is 20%.
The Touch Research Institute (TRI) at the University of Miami's School of Medicine has validated the positive effects of massage therapy on job performance and mental alertness resulting in improved accuracy and the alleviation of stress induced illnesses.

Learn more about the benefits of on-site massage for your employees

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Cost Reducing Benefits of Massage Doctor On Call™ On-site Massage Programs
Decreased Absenteeism
Decreased Turnover
Increased Productivity
Improved Accuracy
Improved Job Satisfaction
Decreased Stress Related Illness
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Massage Doctor On Call™ program today
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